Ivan Honchar Museum continues lectures on traditional folk costumes.
Format: Demonstration of the traditional clothing dressing process, accompanied by interesting facts from sources and from the field.
Facts about: components of the Ukrainian national order, ornament, color and uniforms, traditions' stability.
Abstracts: Regional features and abolition will unite the ethnos into one people, original and self-sufficient.
Tags: Poetry of the traditional way of life; value is higher than price.
Lecturer: Oleksandra Storach, Senior Research Scientist at the Ivan Ghonchar Museum
March 16 | 15:00
Lecture 6. Kyiv Region
Color: red, white.
Ornament: geometric and vegetative-geometric.
The fact: "Kurenivka at that time was a distant outskirts of Kiev.
Its inhabitants lived an old system, adhering to rural traditions and habits. The girls wore embroidered shirts, corsets, some were in plaits, and some in skirts. On the neck of many places expensive or amber necklaces, on a Sunday or on holiday on their heads - colorful ribbons or wreaths. The females in the chumars, the high hollows of dark hair - gray and black, trousers of normal width, and in boots. In a word, everything is the way it once was. "I. M. Gonchar. 1930
Galentur - a kind of silk fabric; hentai galeturn is a festive woman's suit.
Linart is an amber necklace.
Teremok - a kind of maiden festive headwear - a wreath of artificial paper or knee-colored flowers, sewn on a hoop.
Chervchatka - plachta, woven from red silk (walnut) or its admixture; later - a woolen patch of red color.
The cost of an entrance ticket is 50 UAH